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《全球最大的博彩平台数字概览》将会有哪些内容| 2024年10月

New Updates | October 2024

In this roundup you'll find:

  • Digital Skills Festival announcement
  • Digital Her event and leadership programme
  • How we are supporting startups in 2024
  • Ways to meet other members 
  • 全球最大的博彩平台数字正在发生的一切!

Digital Skills Festival

我们一年一度的数字技能节(2025年2月10日至14日)现已启动! Here's a sneak peek at what the week will look like!

Festival Overview: 

  • Monday 10th February 2025 - Future Innovators
  • Tuesday 11th February 2025 - Digital Her Day: Driving Diversity
  • Wednesday 12th February 2025 - Talent Day
  • Thursday 13th February 2025 - ‘Digital Skills Feast’: A VIP Leaders Evening & Dinner
  • Friday 14th February 2025: We ❤️ Digital Skills - A Digital Week in Review

We've had a re-brand ahead of our launch this year, 由斯托克波特设计机构GOTO Creative提供. 你可以在下面查看我们发布的所有细节.

Our rebrand 




DSF 2025

Digital Her

Ada Lovelace Day : Digital Her Inspiration Breakfast

Tues | 8th October | 09:00 - 11:00

10月8日星期二,十大正规博彩网站评级我们,在我们的灵感早餐上与Digital Her社区一起庆祝Ada Lovelace日, cohosted with at their fabulous central Manchester office.

我们社区的成员将上台进行闪电演讲, 每一个都与“支持你的奋斗”的主题有关。. Talks will be interspersed with informal table talks, 我们将以炉边聊天和Q来结束这个上午&A.

Book now


Our EnableHER: Leaning into Leadership Programme - Part of Digital Her is well under-way!

有了这个项目的新赞助商的承诺, 6point6 | Part of Accenture, 我们将为大全球最大的博彩平台地区处于新兴和中层领导地位的女性提供全额资助的培训机会,让她们成为科技领域的领导者, not just survive. 

Empowering women leaders can create a more inclusive, 公平和充满活力的行业,推动突破性的进步和公平的机会. 


Register your Interest

了解更多全球最大的博彩平台的全额资助的导师计划, and how to get more involved in this community below.

Become a Real Life Role model today!

Mentorship Programme

The Startup Activator

The Startup Activator programme continues this month. 看看下面你可以参与的所有事情!

Are you an early-stage startup founder? 

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司的创业激活器将帮助大全球最大的博彩平台地区的创业公司取得最大的成功, 带着你从想法到早期发展阶段所需的所有知识和资源. 

该计划将包括独家创始人网络见面会, 研讨会和进入包括投资者在内的积极支持社区的机会, trusted professional service support and more.

Join today!

Can you help startups? We’re looking for partners 


Contact to discuss.

Sponsorship pack

Do you have the skills to mentor a Start-Up?

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司(Manchester Digital)扩大了其“初创企业激活者”(Start-Up Activator)计划,向通用汽车各行政区的100名创始人提供队列计划. As part of this programme, 我们将为他们联系导师和顾问,以提供支持, guidance and even a shoulder to cry on.

As our Manchester Digital members, 我们希望您或您的团队能够自愿花一个小时与创始人交流. 

如果您有兴趣,请填写下面的表格. 我们向创始人、高管、董事和部门负责人开放.

Register your Interest

Training diverse talents that work for you 

我们现在正在为秋季课程招聘雇主. 我们运行高绩效的学徒计划,以支持我们的成员多样化的人才抱负. 

无论您是想提高现有员工的技能,还是想让新员工进入企业,我们都可以为您提供支持. 我们有一个现成的各种候选人的人才库来支持你的招聘.

我们的学徒期现在就开始了. Speak to the team If you need a little longer…

Here are the upcoming start dates: 

Business Analysis - 28th October

Data Analysis - 30th September



Carbon Literacy Pilot Day

我们的碳素养培训试点日已经宣布! On the 21st of November,你可以十大正规博彩网站评级进来,为其他科技行业打造这个工具包. If you are interested in attending, please email for more information.

Please click here 来了解更多全球最大的博彩平台碳素养的信息,并登记你的兴趣,这样你就可以第一个听到他们所有令人兴奋的更新!

Learn more about Carbon Literacy 

2024 Event Calendar

Our last few events for 2024 have been announced!


Download here 

Tech Leader Talks

Thurs | 7th November | 12:00 - 14:00

全球最大的博彩平台数字的技术领袖会谈为西北地区大型数字和技术企业的高级领导人提供了与其他c级个人交流的机会, share best practices and make new connections.

本次活动的形式是午餐联谊会议,然后是提问 & A. 上午将为所有与会者提供一顿清淡的午餐, refreshments and an Industry Insight session.


Alison Ross, AutoTrader

Mariam, Slalom

Emily Smith, Pets at Home

...and more to be announced!

Book now

Other events

为第二季度做好准备,并查看我们的活动日历, 展示全球最大的博彩平台数字会员发布的活动.

Events in October 2024 posted by members

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